Friday 14 September 2012

The Gangster and The Gentleman

Its amazing how men tend to attribute their badmanism to how many girls they have Sacked… I am not here to judge or criticize any one or my fellow men… I mean after all I was once like that I think… but in a more mature way! (this is where u say “yeah right”).

Anyways, school was fun, had some issues with people and all what not. But I want to share with you one funny experience I had with some friends in school… at least I found it funny…
Walking down the hall one very uneventful evening… I heard some of my friends talking about girls and the issues they have with them.

The first said he can never satisfy or make his girl happy, she stay complaining; you don’t pay me any attention, you will rather chill with the boys… drink, smoke, and chat rubbish… in his words anyways. Now as we all know, this is a common problem between men and women.. . man wants more time to do manly shit, woman needs man to do couple or girly shit… well couple shit can be fun sometimes… but damn can a brother get some air?
Well all I said to him was “find that balance cos when she drops your sorry ass… I won’t be there to make you feel better” and everyone laughed.

Second dude starts off saying his girl knows too many guys and it make him uncomfortable. Now I respect his honesty because as men… we like to feel tough… like it don’t matter… we know she mine and she coming home with me. Ok… say all that is true… she definitely going home with you and all… you are the best in the sack, you rock her world today and her world tomorrow. 
Guess what, it sure as hell don’t matter.
Sometimes your woman wants to know how u feel about her and on some level might test you. I have met a couple women that change their ways because of the respect they have for their dudes… not saying you should turn a whore to a house wife or nothing… but hey u better act like u have some sense and treat her like she matter to you before she mess around and chunk your ass the deuces…. 
I think I digress…
Anyways, before she met your ass she was a person, 
she made and kept friends, male and female alike. 
Had relationships with some and there are some she couldn’t stand. 
Now she is with you. And your busy worrying about who she smiling at and who she might have or is sleeping with… there is nothing you can do bout that ish hommie… 
if it upsets you that much… please tell her. 
Trust me, that might be what she waiting for before she hits you with the “you don’t care about me line”. 
I think I digress again…
Anyways I told him to talk to his girl because to her she probably just doing what she know how to do… SOCIALIZE.

Now this was the funniest one of all… this dude talking bout all the girls he smashed and swore that they were all satisfied with his plumbing abilities. Nothing entirely wrong with that…
I mean I wasn’t there when they were sexing, can’t even start to argue.
 As soon as I said this… this dude blew a fuse…
 cussing me out and swearing he had laid more girls than I have (probably true) 
but I officially gave up when he demanded we write down the names of all the girls we had been with.
Nigga! I am Nigerian… I cannot run out of female names… 
I mean I have to exhaust the Nigerian name before I move to English names… 
I mean this list would have been long as the Nile and still won’t be done. 
I mean how the hell will he know or verify what’s true and what isn’t. 
That day I felt sorry for the world, because this boy will get married and have kids like him 
or maybe just skip the marriage part and move on to the kids section. 
Either way there are going to be some “mini-hims” running around.
Looky-here… all I am saying is, 
fellas if you love your woman or at least like her please act like you have some sense. 
Let her know. 
Yeah shit happens but its better now than later. Learn to deal.
Find that balance between being a hard man and being and man worthy of some woman’s affection. 
Its hard because it seems like doing one is like abandoning the other.

I need to take my own damn advice.


  1. Finally a guy speaks!!!! all thats trending now is 'how to catch and keep a man' . Na wa o. How about how to catch and keep a babe. Your too much BT!

  2. "please act like you have some sense" good advice and exactly what it boils down to, for BOTH sexes!

  3. "please act like you have some sense. " great advice and really what it all boils down to, for BOTH sexes!
